Thursday 5 March 2020

A Dummy’s Guide To Online Poker

Do you ever fantasize about something you might wanna do but it feels too late to learn from scratch? Well, there’s no “correct” time to acquire a skill. In the race to become the most popular card game in India, online poker has taken the e-gaming industry with surprise. Learning poker has never been easier. You get to play with global players sitting at home and with minimal stakes. It also gives you a good earning opportunity.

So if the thought of giving online poker a try has crossed your mind, take the following into consideration.

  1. Know the best positions: A game of poker always starts from the left of the dealer in a clockwise motion. The first bets are called small blinds and big blinds respectively. The later you’re seated in the circle, the more advantageous it is, as you get to know everyone’s moves before placing your bet.
  2. Keep an eye on pre-flop: The time in the game before the flop cards are revealed is called pre-flop. This is an extremely crucial time in the game. Looking at the cards in hand, this is where the decision of your bet is to be made. Look out for your opponents and plan your bets accordingly.
  3. Rankings are key: To know the rankings of your hands is one of the most essential parts of poker. Without knowing the hand rankings, you will not be able to figure out if you have a strong hand or not. The Royal Flush is the strongest hand available, while in case of no combinations, the player with the highest card wins the bet.
  4. Play blinds wisely: Blinds in Poker act a lot like in 3 Patti. They’re as risky as they are rewardable. These are generally two kinds, big blinds and small blinds. Small blinds are half of the big blinds and the big blind is equal to the minimum bet in the table. Using blinds wisely can lead to a big profit, but can also fail miserably as you place bets on the cards you have not seen.
  5. Know how to excel post-flop: The post-flop is action time. This is where the flop cards unfold and take the game further. Here, you get a clear idea of your hand’s strength and any mistakes made up till here can be mended by either folding or raising accordingly
  6. Prepare for the next round: As soon as a game is wrapped up, start preparing for the next one mentally and physically. Look out for your opponent's body language, figure out what he might be thinking. A professional poker player is always far-sighted.

With multiple websites now providing an opportunity to win free money playing games online, the craze for online poker has seen a rapid increase. Websites like Adda52 provide a user-friendly interface with multiple guides on how to play the game. This makes learning poker simple and helps you grow gradually. So, never let the spirit of poker die!
Anonymous Web Developer

We are India's largest online poker gaming website where you can play differnt type of card games like texas holdem poker, omaha poker, sprint poker, crazy pineapple and Rummy also.

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